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Toni Lilley
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Toni Lilley is Chancellor of the International Kinesiology College and co-founder, with Greg Gralton, of the The Kinesiology Academy located in Nambour, Queensland, Australia. This school is an Australian-government recognized training program and offers a Certificate IV in Kinesiology and Diploma of Kinesiology. Toni is also well-known for authoring the Touch for Health I & II training guides that are used around the world in Touch for Health training. She is also the author of the Perceptive Vision and Kinesiology for Kids, Eat Right! Live Right! Toni started in kinesiology in 1983. She was appointed Faculty of the Touch for Health Foundation in 1987 and of the International Kinesiology College (IKC) in 1990. In 1994 she became the inaugural Dean of the IKC's Touch for Health School, a position which she held for many years. Toni has taught kinesiology in 13 countries and regularly presents papers nationally and internationally. She has revised and updated the English version of the Touch for Health student manual and has written several short kinesiology courses for Registered Touch for Health Instructors at home and overseas to teach as introductions to kinesiology in their community. As a Registered Training Organization in Australia, the Kinesiology Academy delivers a nationally recognized training. First conceived in 1997, the Kinesiology Academy was the collaboration of Greg Gralton and Toni Lilley, kinesiologists with forty years combined experience. Regional campuses are available to provide the face to face learning units that are necessary in such a 'hands on' healing modality. The Kinesiology Academy offers distance education and face to face training from the nationally endorsed vocational education health training package.
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