eTouch for Health  

TFH Tree

Touch for Health Tree

While preparing for the 2006 TFHKA conference, we thought a lot about Dr. John Thie and wondered of ways to illustrate his influence upon the world. Jim Reid's TFH Synthesis Tree from the mid-1990's showed many of the offshoots that Dr. Thie inspired and is a great way to visually grasp the number and variety of the many offshoots. We decided to update Jim Reid's tree and make it interactive. You can now visit the tree to explore and learn about people and techniques that you may or may not have heard about over the past 35 years of TFH and kinesiology by clicking the many links. The Touch for Health Interactive Tree is now on the web and is 'live'.

Photos from the TFHKA 2005 Conference - fathers of kinesiology



Dr. John Thie

John Thie, DC

John Thie, founder and author of Touch for Health started one of the most successful holistic healthcare models in the world. As a student, visionary, leader, and chiropractor, John poured his soul and energy into each and every areaof his life and achieved wonderful results and success.

Many know of his accomplishments in Touch for Health, however, they not about other areas of his life. As a college student leader, Thie was President of the student body. As a leader in his chiropractic profession, he was voted Doctor of the Year by his local professional group after only his 3rd year of practice. The next year, he became president of the organization. After meeting and seeing Dr. George Goodheart's presentation on Applied Kinesiology the first time, John Thie became a visionary and leader in the field and eventually he formed the International College of Applied Kinesiology and became its Founding Chairman and trained professionals around the world.




George Goodheart, Jr., D.C.

George Goodheart, Jr, discovered Applied Kinesiology and the link between the muscle test and the energetic meridian system. Goodheart made his first discoveries in 1964 in the Michigan Building in Detroit. He then guided a group of about a dozen other innovators as they continued the paths of discovery that would become known as Applied Kinesiology (AK) which is now used around the world by Chiropractors, Physicians and other healthcare professionals. AK spurred many other energy kinesiology models with Touch for Health becoming one of the most popular and wide-spread among laypeople.

Goodheart first fought the battles of being an innovator as a Chiropractor during the years of un-acceptance of the profession. He later became the first chiropractor to work on the U.S. Olympic Team. In 2001, Goodheart was placed onto Time's List of the 100 Top Innovators of the 21st Century.



Hamilton (Hap)
& Elizabeth Barhydt, PhD's

Loving Life

In 1980 Hap and Elizabeth co-founded Loving Life, a non-profit educational organization dedicated to research and teaching in touch healing. They were both Life members and Instructors of TFHKA. Hap and Elizabeth served as Faculty members in 1990. Hap wrote many articles and formatted and edited the TFH journals for many years.

Together they studied TFH, Educational Kinesiology, Applied Physiology and PKP. Several of their articles were published in Italian, French and Spanish Journals. They taught self-help techniques in thirteen countries, including Russia. They lived in a motor home for seven years sharing their knowledge, caring and self-help techniques with many.



Sheldon deal

Sheldon Deal, DC, ND

Dr. Sheldon Deal is a Chiropractor and Naturopath. He first became interested in Kinesiology when he met Dr. George Goodheart in 1970. He was later asked to be one of Dr. Goodheart's Study Group Leaders and was one of the original group of physicians who later became known as the "dirty dozen". This group went on to form the nucleus of the International College of Applied Kinesiology - (ICAK).

Throughout his career, Sheldon has worked closely with Dr. George Goodheart and Dr. Thie. John Thie was the ICAK's founding Chairman in 1972 and served until 1976. Dr. Deal served as Chairman of the College from 1978 to 1983. Today, Sheldon serves as President of the ICAK Board of Examiners and the Technical Advisor to the Association of Specialized Kinesiology (ASK)



Gordon Stokes

Gordon Stokes

Gordon Stokes was the founder and creator of Three in One Concepts in 1976. Later, in 1983, he was joined by partners, David Whiteside and Candace Callaway as the three crafted Brain Gym® and The Behaviorial Barometer©.

Gordon had a long relationship with friends, John and Carrie Thie. In Touch for Health, his influence is felt constantly through the Meridian Wheel and Five Elements wall chart that he created with John Thie and the Meridian wall chart.

Soft spoken and wise, Gordon was an inspiration and healing soul to many.

Earl Cook states, "i had one of the biggest personal breakthroughs of my life during my first TFHKA conference in San Diego. Gordon Stokes was speaking and presenting Three in One's Behavorial Barometer. I always wanted to tell Gordon of my breakthrough in person, but he left us too soon not long after John Thie had done the same. For me, this is my 'thank you' to Gordon."



Toni LIlley

Toni Lilley

Toni Lilley is Chancellor of the International Kinesiology College and co-founder, with Greg Gralton, of the The Kinesiology Academy located in Nambour, Queensland, Australia. This school is an Australian-government recognized training program and offers a Certificate IV in Kinesiology and Diploma of Kinesiology. Toni is also well-known for authoring the Touch for Health I & II training guides that are used around the world in Touch for Health training. She is also the author of the Perceptive Vision and Kinesiology for Kids, Eat Right! Live Right!

Toni started in kinesiology in 1983. She was appointed Faculty of the Touch for Health Foundation in 1987 and of the International Kinesiology College (IKC) in 1990. In 1994 she became the inaugural Dean of the IKC's Touch for Health School, a position which she held for many years.



Jim Reid

Jim Reid D.Min, ND

Jim Reid, D.Min, ND is best known for the Time of Day balance he discovered while balancing Dr. John Thie in 1987. Jim is one of the early adopters and promoters of Touch for Health. He used what he termed, "Christian Kinesiology", when serving as a chaplain for the Las Vegas Strip entertainers. He once said, "The Time of Day Balance worked great for this group because they didn't have a long time to spend getting balanced and their unusual schedules were always a challenge!"

Jim is the founder of the International Association of Specialized Kinesiology (IASK) and served as its president for many years. He is the author of two books, "Praising God on the Las Vegas Strip" and "Born Again, Again and Again... a Bible-based view of Reincarnation". Jim is known to many, particularly the students of John Thie, as the creator of the Touch for Health Synthesis Tree showing the roots of energy kinesiology and the many new offshoots that it inspired.



Kenichi "Dharma" Ishamaru

Kenichi ‘Dharma’ Ishimaru is the Faculty Representative for the International Kinesiology College (IKC) for Japan. In 2007, He was awarded the distinguished International Academy Prize by the Japan Culture Promoting Association for having promoted Kinesiology in Japan. Ishimaru has taught about Zen Counseling and Zen Kinesiology to more than 300 people from 30 countries.

Ishimaru was the host for the 2010 IKC Conference in Kyoto, Japan. This conference was held at the conference center of the distinguished Kyoto Medical University.



Jan Cole

Jan Cole, MEd

A model of volunteering, Jan served as President of the Touch for Health Kinesiology Association for four years and served on the TFHKA Board of Directors for seven years. She has also volunteered in numerous positions associated with conference planning and newsletter production (editor, writer and layout). Jan also served as the President of the Colorado Holistic Health Network from 1981-83.

Jan's comprehensive training in wellness, nutrition and wholistic health training began in 1974 and includes: acupressure; diet and nutrition; relaxation and stress reduction techniques; Neuro-Linguistic Programming; Body Electronics; Polarity Therapy; Metamorphosis; Feldenkrais Method; Ayurvedic health; Body Centered Psychotherapy with Ron Kurtz; Reiki and others. She has over 2000 hours as a Specialized Kinesiologist; certified as a Touch for Health instructor in 1977.

Jan was of great assistance in providing insight and research in the creation of the Tree of Touch for Health with Earl Cook.



Richard Utt

Richard Utt, L.Ac.

From Richard's obit, "Richard was one of the great innovators in the field of Energy Kinesiology. He is the originator of Applied Physiology, highly regarded as one of the most professional modalities in a field that was created initially for lay people. His devotion to research of the body, kinesiology, and the integration of the physical with the metaphysical, led to his unique approach in helping people to heal from even the most complex of illnesses."



Matthew Thie

Matthew Thie MEd

Matthew collaborated directly with his father, John Thie, from 1996 until John's death in August of 2005, just before the new book was released. Mat worked with John developing healing protocol, writing articles, teaching seminars around the world and working with students. Matthew has taught about the Chinese 5 Element Metaphors to over 1,000 students worldwide, and trained over 100 Instructors. He is now the director of Touch for Health education and an instructor trainer.



Charles Krebs

Charles Krebs PhD

Clinician - Lydian Enter for Innovative Healthcare, Cambridge, MA.
Adjunct Researcher - McLean Hospital
Harvard Medical School

From Oneill College, "It was a combination of Charles’ passion for science and Kinesiology, and empathy for the sometimes debilitating experience of suffering learning difficulties, that motivated him to devote the next decade to developing LEAP.  The Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program is the result of significant, intensive research into brain function and neurology, heavily incorporating the Acupressure Meridian System, in the context of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology. It is a highly effective program that emphasises the importance of energetic integration of all functional areas of the brain, and is continually evolving and expanding, as Charles continues to research and develop more detailed concepts in the field."

Charles is also the author of Energetic Kinesiology



Adam Lehman

Adam Lehman

Adam Lehman, T.N.P. (Traditional Naturopathic Practitioner), En.K. (Energy Kinesiologist), currently resides in Petaluma, California. He is the Founder/Director of the North Bay Center of BioEnergetic Health, a private Wellness Consulting practice located in Sonoma, California, and the Institute of BioEnergetic Arts & Sciences. The Institute is the educational part of the center, offering self-help and professional training workshops based on Energy Kinesiology (muscle testing) and HeartMath emotional self-regulation and coherence methods.




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