There is also a healthcare crisis in the US where
healthcare costs continue to rise sharply. In
a September 27, 2004 Washington Post article (4) "...workers' costs for health insurance
have risen by 36 percent since 2000, dwarfing the average 12.4 percent
increase in earnings..." during the same period. In 2002 business
health costs rose at 15% per year and then approximately 10% in 2003 according to a study of nearly 3,000 employers
by Mercer Human Resource Consulting. One reason for the slowdown in
cost increases for businesses appears to be that they have shifted
the burden to their employees. PriceWaterhouseCoopers
reported in a study (5) in Apr.,
2003, that "86% of employees face increased healthcare program
contributions and 72% face raised deductibles", according to
"Management Barometer" a quarterly survey of top executives
in large, multinational businesses, in a cross-section of industries.
These studies show that people in the US continue to choose Complementary
and Alternative methods due to personal preference and due to the
increasing costs of conventional healthcare. You can bet that these
numbers have caught the attention of many in government, conventional
healthcare, academia and insurance research departments. According
to the IOM study, estimated expenditures for CAM professional services
increased by 45% exclusive of inflation and in 1997 were estimated
at $21.2 billion dollars in the US.
What are the signs that the future is here? In the past, alternative
providers of healthcare knew that they were helping people be more
well, but when they tried to explain what they were doing, there was
disbelief from the mainstream and they were often ignored. Well, today
they are getting a lot of attention at many levels. The University
of Pittsburgh maintains an online database (6) of hospitals and
other healthcare facilities that have active complementary and alternative
medicine research programs. These facilities are located all around
the U.S On the eTouch
for Health (8), we have used
these definitions to show their inclusion or exclusion from the TFH
synthesis that eTouch is based upon.
It should be obvious with all of these active research programs focused
on CAM that the future of healthcare is changing rapidly in the US
and the future has arrived. For the alternative healthcare provider,
these changes provide both new opportunities and an increased level
of responsibility. The "Health
Freedom Bills" (9) that are being
passed in some states in the US are a good example of this. These
bills recognize the existence of the CAM providers and their beneficial
services, but also provide stricter guidelines under which they can
be practiced and the services delivered. The essential spirit of the
Health Freedom Bills is that the individual can choose the healthcare
intervention that they choose and expect to be fully informed of the
theory of the services, the risks and the training and experience
of the person delivering the services. For the alternative provider
that has struggled for recognition for so many years (and those that
did not want recognition), you are now getting getting the recognition
and the future has arrived. We are in a transitionary period and there
is much that those involved in CAM can do to further the adoptance
and practice of these modalities.
As the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the NIH National Center
for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) work to define
and understand the diversity of the alternative methods, it will be
important that the Touch for Health Kinesiology and other kinesiologies
and energy modalities are properly included in the studies. For example,
in the chart at the top of the page, NCCAM only has Reiki, Magnets
and Qi gong in the Energy Therapies category. Where are TFH and the
energy kinesiologies? One way that everyone that reads this newsletter
can be proactive is to be aware of the studies that are being conducted
in medical and academic organizations in your area and make inquiries
about the modalities being researched. If Touch for Health and the
energy kinesiologies are not being included and evaluated, make a
suggestion that they should be and be prepared to provide concise
background information or sources for this information.
Dr. John Thie,
DC, founder of Touch for Health and now the Research Director
for the International Kinesiology College has stressed the importance
of formal research as we greet the future and work to have TFH included
as an accepted modality in the new face of healthcare. As a result,
the eTouch for Health software was designed to collect information
that can later be analyzed in formal research projects when submitted
by research participants. eTouch will be an active component in the
research efforts as we go into the future. For the practitioner, along
with the new opportunities and freedoms, there will be increased pressure
to explain theories, track information and demonstrate results. We
are currently working on a research project with the IKC and Dr. Thie
that will begin to provide data for researchers around the world that
are researching the benefits of energy balancing. Please stay tuned.
The National Academies of Medicine report stated that total out-of-pocket
expenditures relating to CAM therapies were "conservatively estimated
at $27.0 billion. This is comparable to the projected out-of-pocket
expenditures for all US Physician services". These figures are
impressive and represent the increased level of acceptance of CAM
in the US Truly, the future has arrived and represents both new opportunities
and a new level of responsibility as increased levels of focus is
put upon the complementary and alternative modalities. Our advice,
be aware of these changes and do research in your local areas to see
how CAM is being understood, researched, implemented and legislated.
You might be able to offer advice that will be important to the new
future of healthcare.
Please support Dr. Thie's research efforts and those here at eTouch
for Health as we work to make the future a better place for everyone.
E-mail either Dr. Thie or us if you have a suggestion of ways to further
the research or if you see an opportunity for a formal research project
in your area. Also support the work in your area to craft fair Health
Freedom Bills.
Most importantly, know that the future is here. Touch for Health is
a safe, cost-effective and relatively easy way to help people live
a healthier, more active and more fulfilling life. Live your life
to its fullest and know that you can help others find their wholeness.
Share your knowledge and help others to help themselves and others.
And please send a letter or e-mail to let us know how you are doing.
and Links: (Top)
- Institute of Medicine: The Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Lectures
-- 2001: Exploring Complementary and Alternative Medicine (published
(2) - US National Institutes of Health, The Use of Complementary and
Alternative Medicine in the United States
(3) -
Journal of American Medicine May 20; 279 (19), Why patients use alternative
medicine: results of a national study. Astin JA. Stanford Center for
Research in Disease Prevention, Stanford University School of Medicine,
Palo Alto, Calif 94304-1583, USA.
(4) -
Washington Post, September 27, 2004
(5) - PriceWaterhouseCoopers PwC's "Trendsetter Barometer April
1, 2003, Rising Healthcare Costs Making Employers and Employees Sick
(6) - University of Pittsburgh CAM Online Database
(7) - Columbia University Complementary and Alternative Medicine for
Serious Illness
(8) - Overview of modalities and the Touch for Health Synthesis:
(9) - National Health Freedom Organization