The Fathers of Kinesiology - Panel Discussion on Saturday morning July, 16, 2005 The 30th annual Touch for Health Kinesiology Associations (TFHKA) conference brought together the founders and innovators in the world of kinesiology energy healing. This group gathered together for a panel discussion and answered questions concerning the future of kinesiology. They drew a standing ovation from the crowd when they pledged to work together in the future, rather than going their own ways as has been the practice in the last 40 years of discovery. During their presentations, they balanced their focus upon the heart and science of energy healing and the future of kinesiology as it moves into the mainstream of healthcare. |
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A reunion of the masters. Dr. John Thie, DC (left) greets Dr. George Goodheart, DC and welcomes him to the conference. Goodheart is the discoverer of Applied Kinesiology and Dr. Thie is the author and founder of Touch for Health. This was Goodheart's first visit to a Touch for Health conference and he visited on its 30th anniversary. Dr. Goodheart felt that the knowledge of kinesiology should remain within the realm of professional chiropractors and applied kinesiologists. Dr. Thie felt that the benefits so powerful and the techniques so simple, that TFH Energy Kinesiology should be shared with lay people. |
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Sisters Mary McGlone (right) and Sheila McGinnis from Philadelphia present Dr. John Thie with a special award and painting for his contributions over the years that have benefited their work and those like themselves around the world. Dr. Thie has personally balanced over 500,000 people during his career as an 'energy healer', chiropractor, speaker, motivator, trainer and leader of Touch for Health for nearly 40 years. Thie's work at spreading the word of hope and health has resulted in Touch for Health being one of the most widely spread kinesiologies in the world and he has inspired many in the world of exploration and discovery in the area of 'specialized kinesiologies'. Sister Mary Em McGlone established The Center for Human Integration in Philadelphia 25 years ago as a result of participating at a conference with John Thie in Washington, D.C. They are celebrating their 25th year in 2006 so they wanted to make a public acknowledgment of John and the role he has played in the success of their venture. |
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Dr. Goodheart received special awards from The Touch For Health Kinesiology Association, The International Kinesiology College and the International Association of Specialized Kinesiology. He also received the Key to City from the Mayor of Durham, North Carolina which is known as the City of Medicine due to the number of hospitals, universities and medical research facilities located in the area. Larry Green joked that they attempted to have this changed to the Energy Medicine City during the conference! Dr. Goodheart recounted the early days of Applied Kinesiology and how he discovered the different techniques. A man of humility and wonderful wit (and humor), he stated that he made most of his discoveries by serendipity and often felt that his deceased father, who had also been a chiropractor, was looking over his shoulder and whispering in his ear when he tried and discovered new ways to use energy to resolve health issues with his patients. |
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It was the work of Arlene and Larry Green (left) that conceived the idea of bringing all these leaders together for the first time in this historical meeting. They received a well-deserved standing ovation for their efforts. This conference will go down in history as the one that brought the Fathers of Kinesiology together for this special reunion. Arlene has been an active TFH instructor since 1981. She is a faculty member of the IKC and International College of PKP. Arlene is the Director of the U.S. Kinesiology Training Institute located in Chapel Hill, N.C. and author of The Top Ten Pain Releasers. Larry is a past president of the Touch For Health Kinesiology Association and is currently a TFH Instructor. He and Arlene operate the U. S Kinesiology Training Institute in Chapel Hill. Larry once again was Emcee and did a great job of entertaining the crowd with his ample supply of humor and interesting facts! |
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Dr. John Thie, Carrie Thie, Arlene Green, Larry Green, Dr. George Goodheart and Joanne Goodheart. This conference marked the 30th anniversary of when John and Carrie began the annual Touch for Health conference that continues to this day and grew even stronger in this gathering. The conference had a large international presence and included AnneMarie Goldschmidt- from Denmark, VP of the International Association of Specialized Kinesiology and Maurizio Piva from Italy, President of the International Kinesiology College. |
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Here is Dr. Sheldon Deal and Dr. John Thie. Dr Deal has been one of the biggest supporters of TFH over the years. He has been a main presenter at most of the TFH conferences during the last 30 years but recently, has not been in attendance, so his re-appearance was special to everyone. Here, he is with long-time friend Dr. John Thie. Sheldon, a chiropractor and naturopath from Tucson, Arizona, has been the International College of Applied Kinesiology President for five years and President of the ICAK examining board for 20 years. |
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Sheldon Deal demonstrated the latest results of his research when he tested for and resolved a special form of 'switching' in his subject, Adam Lehman. While delivering powerful messages and demonstrations, it was obvious the great sense of humor these gentlemen have. Many of them could be standup comedians, if they wished to be. Lehman, TNP (Traditional Naturopathic Practitioner) has been involved with Energy Kinesiology for over 17 years. He practices in the San Francisco Bay Area, and teaches throughout the US and internationally. Adam is the President of the Energy Kinesiology Awareness Council (EKAC), a non-profit organization who's mission is to "raise the awareness of the public to the benefits of Energy Kinesiology". |
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Dr. Sheldon Deal, D.C., Dr. George Goodheart, D.C. and Dr. Wally Schmitt, D.C.. Deal and Schmitt were two of the original group who worked with Dr. Goodheart in the early days of Applied Kinesiology and have continued to be innovators and leaders in the field. Dr. Deal now resides in Tucson, Arizona and Dr. Schmitt in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. |
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Dr. Paul Denison, PhD, (left) is co-founder with his wife, Gail, of
Brain Gym and Educational Kinesiology, Dr. Bruce Dewe (right) is a traditionally trained medical doctor who was the first TFH faculty in the South Pacific (1981). Dr. Dewe served as the first President of the International Kinesiology College, and is the founder and director of the International College of Professional Kinesiology in New Zealand. Dr. Dewe's talk was on what are the indications and contraindications of using intuition in the kinesiology process? How and when do we integrate its strengths and weaknesses in our use of standard protocols? |
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Jan Cole (left) has been a TFH instructor since 1977. Past Colorado Holistic Health Network President, Jan has served 7 years on the TFHKA board and 4 yrs. as President. She has two books: Repattern your Sabotage Ways and Making Money Your Friend. Jan's topic in her talk was Managing Blood Sugar Using TFH and Diet. Dr. Mary Jo Bulbrook (right) and Dr. Thie were colleagues of Virginia Satir. Dr. Bulbrook is a medical intuitive, energy psychotherapist, founder/director of the Transform Your Life through Energy Medicine Program, and president of Energy Medicine Partnerships. Through Mary Jos leadership Healing Touch and Energy Medicine was brought to Australia, New Zealand, Peru, Chile, South Africa, Canada and throughout the USA. She is currently working on a project at the Mayo Clinic. |
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Richard Utt, Dr. John Thie and Rob Abalouche, President of the TFHKA U.S. association. Utt, L.Ac is the founder and President of the International Institute of Applied Physiology in Tucson Arizona. Using an electrical/chemical model of neuro-physiology he demonstrates how Applied Physiology wakes up spastic muscles'. Trained as an engineer, Richard now directs his world renown center and travels the world teaching and working on the most difficult cases. Rob, from North Hollywood, California has been associated with TFH for many years; was the first Executive Director of the Touch for Health Foundation, as well as serving as TFHKA President from 1992 through 1995 and again in 2004, 2005. |
O'Hara presented the Primitive and Postural Reflexes and Their Effect on Our Physical, Mental and Emotional Development. Matthew's presentation was on the 30 Years of Growth and Development of TFH and Energy Kinesiology and he demonstrated TFH Goal Setting and Energy Balance with Metaphors as an Integrated expression of the TFH Kinesiology Model and Philosophy. Topping's lecture was Balancing the Heart Meridian Holistically. |
Brendan OHara (left) from Australia specializes in early childhood development. Author and producer of the Movement and Learning series of books and CDs, Brendan combines Kinesiology and his musical talent with many modalities into a clear synthesis which is easy to learn, understand and implement. Matthew Thie, M.Ed. (center) is Vice President of TFH Education, Inc. and an IKC Trainer for the U.S. Mat and his father John Thie, co-authored the TFH Pocketbook with Chinese 5 Elements Metaphors. He has taught the TFH Metaphor workshop to over 1000 students throughout the world. Dr. Wayne Topping, PhD, from New Zealand, founder of Wellness Kinesiology is a faculty member of the International Kinesiology College for the U.S. and teaches in 22 countries. He has written 22 books including Stress Release and Success over Distress. |
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Neighbors in time. Earl Cook (left), Dr. John Thie and Dr. George Goodheart all were born and lived in locations within 5-10 minutes of each other, albeit in different generations. Earl spent the first nine months of his life in the New Center area of Detroit before his family moved back south. Dr. Thies family moved to California and he had his clinic in Pasadena before moving to Malibu. Dr. Goodheart remained in the Detroit area, where he discovered and founded Applied Kinesiology in his clinic on Michigan Avenue. During the conference, Dr. Walter Schmitt spoke about living during his youth next door to his family's doctor... Dr. George Goodheart! A phone call was made after the conference to determine where Wally was born. Amazingly, it was discovered that he was born in Ford Hospital, located in the Detroit New Center area less than a block from where Earl's family lived! After taking adventurous and circuitous routes over the last 50 - 60 years of their lives, these four men all met at the conference in Durham, NC. Earl, with his wife Gail, are the co-developers of the eTouch for Health software. |
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The conference had many excellent pre- and post-conference workshops. Here is the group that was in the eTouch for Health workshop on the morning of the opening of the conference. Dr. John Thie made a surprise appearance as the class drew to a close. Thanks Matthew for the photo and for sitting in on our class. |
Photos by Earl & Gail Cook |