
The Golden Touch of Energy Kinesiology

Energy Kinesiology Association (EnKA)


Touch for Health Kinesiology Association (TFHKA)

Annual Conference

June 5-8, 2008


Radisson Hotel and Convention Center
Sacramento, California


 The grounds provided several areas for quite reflection.

Note: we have attempted to verify the names but still have several blanks. If you see an error or can help us fill in the blanks, we thank you. Please send to: info (at) etouchforhealth.com

Norma, Mat, Kenichi

IKC Faculty: Norma Harnack (US), Matthew Thie (US) and Kenechi Ishimaru (Japan)

Dawson Book Signing Dawson Church, Ph.D. author of The Genie in Your Genes during his book signing.


Bonnie Epstein, Pres. of TFHKA presents Joe Bassett with a TFHKA Lifetime Achievement Award for his long service to the organization. Joe has served on the TFHKA Board of Directors for many years.


Marge Bowen, Pres. of EnKA presents Larry Green with the award for teaching the most students during the year. Larry was also the emcee once again this year and kept the audience laughing or groaning with his jokes and humor. Larry was also a speaker and presented on using TFH with animals.


The three presidents, Marge Bowen (EnKA), Annemarie Goldschmidt (IASK), and Bonnie Epstein (TFHKA).



Pond & Fountain  The Fountain!

Mat Thie & Beardall
The Sons of Kinesiology, Matthew Thie and Christopher Beardall. Both Mat's and Chris' fathers were leaders in the discoveries, teaching, and spread of energy kinesiology. Both Matthew and Christoper have continued the traditions of their fathers and both were speakers at the conference.

Kathy Gould Kathie Guhl busy at work, as usual! Kathie was the organizer of the conference. Here, it's time to get your meal ticket for the banquet.

Charles Crowder Colorful gentlemen, ______ ____ and Dr. Charles Crowder, DC.

Thelm & Bonnie Wilma Phend and Bonnie Woodward

Matthew & Alice Matthew Thie, lucky again with a win of a classic TFH Sweatshirt (designed and donated by Jan Cole).

On the right, Alice Viera PhD, sister of John Thie, arrives at the conference. Alice was a speaker and her topic was Love Makes the World Go 'Round. Want to Help?

Donna, Jan & Ilse

Long-time supporters of Touch for Health and TFHKA... Donna Kirchner, Jan Cole and Ilse Jakobovits.

Jerolyn Miner, on the left, enjoys the sunshine and takes a break before the action begins again.


Claudette Koch, from the EnKA Board. Claudette managed the EnKA booth with DVDs and CDS from past EnKA conferences.

Doris & Eve Dorothea (Doris) Muna on the left displays and sells her handmade collection of flower essences in the conference bookstore.

Evelyn Mulders, author of Western Herbs for Eastern Meridians and Five Element Theory, offers a variety of healing modalities in the conference bookstore.

Yes, we like fountains!

Conference Photos Page 2