
 A beautiful early summer bloom.

Yes, we love fountains and flowers!

Kenichi & Norma

Kenechi Ishimaru and Norma Harnack confer.

Earl & Peter

Earl Cook, left, developer and publisher of eTouch for Health.

Peter McLellan of Melbourne Australia operates a clinic there working with clients using Transpersonal Medicine, Kinesiology, and Neurology. He was a speaker on the topic of Heart-Brain Integration.

Judy & Gail

Judy Levin, left is a former president of TFHKA and developer of the TFH DVD by Judy Levin. Gail Cook, right is the co-developer of the eTouch for Health software series.

Mat, Claudia, Carol, Larry

Claudia Arrellano and Matthew Thie. Mat shows off his copy of Dawson Church's book, The Genie in your Genes. Each attendee received a free copy of the book.

Carol Gottesman, standing, prepares to assist Larry Green by tracing a meridian. It's real handy having a lot of TFHers around!


Tom Stone, PhD, presenting The Core Dynamics of Common Problems and demonstrating his energetic instrument, The Wavemaker.

Marge, Michael, Evelyn

Marge Bowen, Michael King and Evelyn Mulders

Gail & Doris

Gail Cook and Doris Muna

Singing Trio

The Saturday Night Live talent show on Friday night was begun by the choral singing of Rae Newman, Thomas Tegtmeyer and Sharon Lampron.

Tai Chi

Joe Martin performing Tai Chi.

Tai Chi Push

 Joe demonstrates the strength in balance using Tai Chi.

Marily & George, John

Marilyn Joyner and George Schulz dancing for Saturday Night Live on the left while John “Bluesman” Maguire lets loose with his harmonicas a bit later.

Bonnie, John, Norma

Bonnie Epstein and Norma Harnack boogie while John Maguire plays the blues.

Peace Dance

A Peace Dance led by Sharon Lampron.

Georgianna Liguori, Mary Lou Firth-Irving and Marge Bowen


David Dolezai enjoying his 2nd conference.


Adam Lehman, Tina Baker, Peter McLellan and Cathy Layland

Laughing Yoga

Having fun during Laughter Yoga... “Can you believe this bill?”

Laughing Yoga

Kenichi Ishimaru and Wilma Phend enjoying the laughter yoga. It makes you want to laugh just seeing other people laugh!


Laughing Yoga

Earl lets go with a hearty laugh.

Arlene & Sandrine

Arlene Green, IKC Faculty member for the U.S. and Sandrine Martin, DC.

Bonnie working hard

The hardworking Bonnie Epstein making signs at the conference. Thank you, Bonnie, for all of your hard work!


Fountain from Restaurant.

We told you we like fountains!


Karen Ownbey, Ann McFerron, and Jill Allbrandt share laughs at the banquet.

Before long, their laughter drew a crowd around the table as people walked up attracted to the laughter as if they were moths attracted to the light!


Sharon Lampron, Tina Baker, Michael King and Evelyn Mulders at the laughter table.


 Dr. Rebecca Powers and Nancy Randall enjoying themselves at the banquet.


Dr. Mitchell Corwin, DC and Julaina Kleist at the banquet. Mitchell provided the sound system for the conference and recorded the speakers as well as being a speaker himself. Thanks Mitchell!

Arch Until next year...

Conference photos Page 1