Expansion Library

Expand your toolbox
of knowledge and
energy-balancing techniques
As the worlds of Touch for Health (TFH) and Energy Kinesiology (EK) have evolved, new techniques continue to be discovered. Since the works of Dr. George Goodheart in the 1960’s and Dr. John Thie’s Touch for Health in 1973, there have been many branches that have grown out of the works of these men. eTouch is built upon their work with influence from modern discoveries.
The eTouch Expansion Library is a collection of techniques related to TFH and EK. The mini-apps in this collection are created by people working within the energy kinesiolgy field. These mini-apps in the Expansion Collection can be installed into eTouch so that they can be accessed on the eTouch main menu through the Expand icon. Once installed, they will also active in the available techniques during sessions and session reporting. With the additional research analysis capabilities in eTouch 3.3, the techniques in the mini-apps can be included in these new features.
The eTouch Expansion system is open-ended and will allow adding many additional balancing modalities to the eTouch for Health system in the future. As others in the energy balancing realm develop new techniques and want them to be included in the eTouch system, we will offer them as modules that can become part of the eTouch Expansion Library. |
EFT Dr. Deal's Basics Donna Eden Meridian Dance |

Gary Craig also has a free
EFT tutorial on his website. |
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) by Gary Craig
Free - Included in each copy of eTouch
EFT is a close cousin to the Touch for Health techniques and is one of the leading techniques used in the field of Energy Psychology. The protocol uses tapping upon Meridian points as a means to overcome anxiety, basic phobias and self-improvement.
Earl Cook created an interactive tutorial for the basic EFT protocol that can also be used as a simple EFT session utility. The EFT Tututorial in eTouch is a basic training tool. He also associates the tapping points used in EFT with the specific acupunture meridian points.
A link to www.emofree.com is included where more advanced EFT training can be obtained. |
eTouch for Health 3.33 or 3.37 required for all Expansion Apps
Key to Versions


Dr. Sheldon Deal is one of the pioneers in the energy kinesiology field. Sheldon has long been a favorite at Touch for Health conferences in the U.S. as he shared and demonstrated his latest discoveries. |
Dr. Deal's Essential Basics
These five techniques serve as an introduction to Dr. Deal's powerful Ak Shortcuts series. We think this new Expansion App will be a must have item for users of eTouch that have a good understanding of Muscle Testing, Circuit Location/TL and the concept of Indicating. Knowledge of the Pause Lock technique is also beneficial. All of these topics are covered in eTouch.
Dr. Sheldon Deal presents five powerful techniques as an introduction to his popular online training course entitled, AK Shortcuts. |


Vers. 3.37

Vers. 3.33

Vers. 3.37

Vers. 3.33


Donna Eden is one of the world's favorite speakers and innovators in the world of energy medicine. |
Energy Medicine
5-Minute Workout
with Donna Eden
Whether you want to de-stress, perk up, or just feel more grounded, you’ll find lots of great techniques designed to help with Donna Eden's Energy Medicine.
At the core of Donna's techniques is the 5 Minute Morning Workout. This mini-App can add additional functionality to eTouch and/or serve as a standalone mini-app. Energy Medicine is both a complement to other medical care approaches and a complete system for self-care and self-help. |


Vers. 3.37

Vers. 3.33
Vers. 3.37

Vers. 3.33
Meridian Dance
with Earl Cook
Earl traces the fourteen meridians in a Tai Chi style dance to music. On-screen directions accompany each meridian.Great for Instructors, students and presenters!
- Instructional
- Great tool for kinesthetic learning
- Super for leading a group balance
- Self-balancing technique


Vers. 3.37

Vers. 3.33
Vers. 3.37

Vers. 3.33

The parallel goals of enlightenment in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and the holistic goal-setting and self-improvement focus of Touch for Health come elegantly together in this powerful technique. |
eHum with the Tibetan Monks
by Earl & Gail Cook
A simple and natural technique that is great for use as a quick energizer or as an overall energetic balancer. In this holistic technique, Earl combines childhood experiences and recent research with the ancient mystical traditions of Tibetan Monks.
more information... |


Vers. 3.37

Vers. 3.33
Vers. 3.37

Vers. 3.33
Key to Versions

Touch for Health, eTouch for Health and the apps offered in the eTouch Expansion Library are not used for the diagnosis or treatment of disease
For all serious and life-threatening issues or for continuing or worsening symptoms, always seek professional health care attention. |