Balance the World
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Mat Thie and Amy Choi at Montserrrat

Matthew Thie from the USA balancing Amy Choi from Hong Kong on the way to Montserrat Monastery NW of Barcelona, Spain.

Matthew was elected to be new president of the IKC. Matthew presented his Five Element Metaphors workshop and Amy presented her always popular Qigong Qinesiolgy movements for balancing at the conference.

Montserrat - Sacred Sites

Montserrat Wikipedia


Gail and Amy Choi are testing in the plaza of the Monastery and Basilica of Montserrat. This Benedictine monastery sits nestled near the top of an impressive mountain in Catalonia.

The monks that live and worship here allow visitors to participate in their daily celebrations.

Mat Thie and Earl at Montserrat

Earl checking Matthew Thie's Teres Minor. The testing position is similar to the statue of the Angel in the background on the grounds of the Basilica.

The Catholic history of Spain says that St. Luke carved the statue, the Black Madonna in 55 AD and it was brought to Montserrat. It now resides inside the Benedictine Basilica.

The Madonna was hidden for many generations and, according to the traditions, rediscovered by shepherds who were guided by bright lights and heavenly music emanating from the statue's hidden location.

Amy Choi & Claudia Thie

Claudia Thie testing Amy's Lattisimus Dorsi in the heights above the Montserrat Basilica.

Montserrat is known as the home of Europe's oldest singing choir, and now famous for the boy's choir, the Escolania.

Escolania de Montserrat


Earl checks Matthew's Psoas after a steep hike to this incredible view.

Note: Both Mat and Earl have their elbows interlocked around the tree behind them.

When balancing, always be stabilized and safe, especially, when standing on the edge of a steep mountain cliff!

Mat Thie and Earl at Montserrat

Earl self-balances with an ESR in the heights of Montserrat during a moment of self reflection on a point near the top.

This area has drawn pilgrims since the 12th century and is considered the most important pilgrimage site in Catalonia.

Many hikers stay overnight with hopes of seeing the sunrise from the mountain top as the sun rises over the Mediterranean Sea (behind Earl).

For Earl, it was a moment to reflect upon thanks and gratefulness for everyone and everything that provided the energy to be here at this moment.

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eTouch for Health

Created by Earl Cook & Gail Cook